3 Sprint Direct Link * Share from 1 Sprint Only*

1 Sprint link

Events Channel link

Cave Lounge


Log-in 5 minutes before your Cave
Share screen
Start music (make sure it’s not too loud)
Mute all of your notifications 

Mute all participants

Update your name: Molly | Minneapolis | Script

Start letting people into the Cave

“Welcome to Caveday!” This is a great time to put your phone away to minimize distractions. 

While we wait for other people to come in, take the time to change your name. Write your name, where you are in the world, and what you are working in a few words. To change, hover over your photo, click the three dots in the right-hand corner and click on rename.”

Wait one minute before officially kicking off


Disable waiting room

Fade music before Caveday Spiel

Check for First Timers

Spiel about what Caveday is (choose one or two):
Focused work
3 sprints, 2 breaks.
We don’t tell you how long the sprints are (40-52 min)

:02 THEME (No more than two minutes on theme)

Share the prompt 

Model how it should sound
“I’m Molly inMinneapolis. Working on Caveday script”

Give reminder that each person should take ~20 seconds

Send prompt reminder once the room is open

Send “Time to wrap up” reminder
Send countdown 

“Sorry, if anyone got cut-off.
We invite you to write what you’re working on in the chat.”

Choose one or create your own:
High – Five
Candle thing

Mute yourself immediately after ritual

Enable Waiting Room

Share what time the sprint started in the chat




Zoom 3 (Themed Caves)

SounDs and MUSIC

Volume Guidance for Music Player:
50% computer volume
Near the bottom of the sound slider

Break Music


Break Will Appear Here




Text for First Timers
(sent via Zoom chat in first sprint)

for 3 sprints:

Hi there, welcome to Caveday! I hope it’s a great first experience. We’ll have 3 sprints each around 45-50 mins, and I will ring a bell when we start and end. The intent is for you to focus on your deep work and not worry about time. We encourage monotasking (i.e. working on one thing at a time), getting your phone/other distractions out of sight, and to start with the hardest task first. Let me know if you have any questions. Happy to help!

[(if applicable) If you haven’t yet, please rename yourself: first name last initial, where you are joining from, what you will be working on for this sprint. (you can rename yourself by clicking the 3 dots on the upper right hand side of your panel)]

for one sprint:
Hi there, welcome to Caveday! I hope it’s a great first experience. We’ll have 1 sprint around 45-50 mins, and I will ring a bell when we end. The intent is for you to focus on your deep work and not worry about time. We encourage monotasking (i.e. working on one thing at a time), getting your phone/other distractions out of sight, and to start with the hardest task first. Let me know if you have any questions. Happy to help!

PROMPT IDEAS for breakouts:

  1. What is the very first, most basic step of your monotask (i.e., you’re reading a chapter in a book so you need to open the book)?

  2. What’s something on your desk that brings you joy?

  3. What’s your “find flow” song of the moment?

  4. About how many sprints do you think you will need to complete the task at hand?

  5. What’s one standard you could lower to help you start/end your work today?

  6. What would the title of your memoir be based on your task today?

  7. [Show of fingers] On a scale of 1-5, how excited are you for today’s monotask?

  8. How will completing this task set you up for success / help you end the day feeling satisfied?

  9. What beverage do you reach for when you’re in “get it done” mode?

  10. How does this task serve your larger goals or objectives for this week/month/quarter?

  11. What one word could you use to describe your task?

  12. What is one really boring fact about yourself that you’re willing to share?

  13. How can you make your task one step smaller?

  14. What’s the first thing someone notices about you?

  15. What are you grateful for today?

  16. What is something that surprised you today/yesterday?

  17. What is waiting for you on the other side of this sprint (i.e., a reward, a feeling, etc.)?

  18. How will you define success today?

  19. What’s the weather like where you are, and how is it affecting your mood/feelings as we enter the cave?

  20. What’s in your way, and how can you gently push it to the side for the next 50ish minutes?

  21. What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?

  22. What’s your favorite way to take a brain break between sprints?

  23. What about this task are you excited or nervous about? What could go wrong, and how will you get back on track if it does?

  24. If you had five words to document the events of today/yesterday, what would they be?

  25. If your task were a monster, what would it look like?

  26. What one/three word affirmation can you repeat to yourself during the sprint when you’re feeling unfocused or distracted?

  27. Name something that made you smile today.

  28. What’s your go-to snack when you need some quick energy or a treat?

  29. What does the “good enough” (vs. “perfect” or “best”) version of this sprint’s task look like?

  30. You’re at the ice cream shop… What do you order?

  31. You’re at the coffee shop… What do you order?

  32. You’re at the movies… What do you order?

  33. You’re at a pizza place… What do you order?

  34. Describe your last memorable meal. What do you remember about it?