How Was Your Day?

The answer to this nightly question almost always is indicated by how much you got done.

If you got most of your list done it was a good day.

Productivity drives how you feel about your day.

How much did you get done today?

How much were you able to produce, accomplish, and achieve in our lives is ultimately how we feel about our lives, too.

It’s all related to time.

When we answer “how was your day" what we are actually answering is:
did I use my time productively? or waste it?

And to be clear, working on our most important tasks adds up to good day.
Spending the whole day answering emails and being in rambling meetings usually feels like wasted time.

I could stop writing here and just point to Caveday as a solution. Come work in the Cave, focus on your tasks, feel better about how you use your time, and have better days. Those days will add up to a better life.

But it’s more than that.

If our days and lives are driven by our productivity, what if we thought about redefining that word for ourselves. After all, improving our relationship to work, as our mission statement promises, is a personal endeavor. What’s improvement for me looks very different for you.

And so we have to start by defining our own terms.

Instead of asking “how much did I accomplish”, I can think about productivity beyond just tasks or even work.

  • Did I take positive actions towards building deeper and stronger relationships?

  • Do I feel healthy and did I do something to take care of myself today?

  • Did I make an effort to help someone else today?

  • Do I have things to be grateful for today?

  • Did I leave my world and the people in it a little bit better today than when I woke up?

Before you share, think about what question is actually behind your answer.
Maybe there’s even room in your day for a 5 minute reflection ritual.

So… How was your day today?

Caveday is a company aimed at improving your relationship to work. We write regular posts on Medium and send out monthly newsletters with productivity tips, life hacks, and recommendations. Sign up for the mailing list here.

Jake Kahana is a cofounder of Caveday. Sign up for his personal emails, called “The Email Refrigerator” here.