What's In Your Work Playbook?


Most Caveday workshops start out with the same ice-breaker question: how do you get things done? Answers always range from list-making to calendar tricks, bullet journals to accountability partners. The point we try to make is that no one taught us how to work, so we’ve all figured out what works for us over the years.

Our intention is to say that there is research and science behind some of the best ways of working– specifically around removing distractions like phones, working in sprints, taking energizing breaks, and soundscapes for working.

There are so many other elements that improve the way each of us work that we likely each have our own work playbook.

If you need inspiration and new ideas, you likely have your own play or two to help– maybe taking a long walk or shower. Maybe it’s scrolling Pinterest or watching a few TED talks. When you’ve been procrastinating and need to finish a massive project with limited time (not recommended)– maybe your method is pulling an all nighter with a little Red Bull, coffee, and your special sauce, sunflower seeds (also not recommended). When you need some quick feedback on your work, you have specific people to call. Need to focus? You likely have a ritual for getting things done. Maybe the act of putting headphones in, having a big cup of water or coffee, and playing that specific playlist.

We all have things that work for us, plays we’ve drawn up for ourselves over the years of working. But the best coaches and teams don’t rely just on the plays that have worked. They’re always reacting to new situations and drawing up new plays that may work even better and more effectively.

So as our situations with work are changing– working from home, needing to manage childcare, losing our job, changing jobs or careers–don’t forget your playbook.

And don’t forget your ability to draw up a new play.

Caveday is a company aimed at improving your relationship to work. We write regular posts on Medium and send out monthly newsletters with productivity tips, life hacks, and recommendations. Sign up for the mailing list here.

Jake Kahana is a cofounder of Caveday. Sign up for his personal emails, called “The Email Refrigerator” here.