Review and Plan Your Year

Every year, our community gathers in a ritual to feel more intentional with our time.
Use the prompts below wherever you keep your notes.


Part ONE




Review The Last 365 Days

  1. Open your calendar and notebooks.
    Wherever you document and keep track of your schedule, tasks, and time.
    Plan to flip through the year, week by week.

  2. Create Two lists. Wins and Challenges.

    As you go through your year, start building each list.
    Consider different areas of your life. Work. Relationships. Learning. Adventure. Family. Community. Health. Finances.

  3. Note the flow of the year.
    What months did you have a lot of progress? Which felt slower? What seasons tended to give you more energy or have more challenges?

    NOTE: Just a reminder that things fall short for everyone.  Everyone has challenges. It’s part of being human. You’re still awesome, still you, and still worthy of love, rest, success, and greatness.

Part TWO



What Can You Learn About Yourself?

  1. What helped you reach your goals and milestones?
    Think of the people, the systems you created, the environments you found yourself in…

  2. What got in the way when you fell short?
    What was going on in your head throughout the process? What about externally?

  3. Answer the following questions in about a minute each:

    • If you had to teach 1 thing you learned this year, what would it be?

    • When you felt most at peace this year, what were you doing?

    • What do you feel guilty about doing? Not Doing?

    • What do you feel most proud of yourself about?

    • Who did you spend meaningful time with this year?

    • When you look back on 2024 in a decade, what will you remember about it?

    • How might you approach 2025 differently knowing what you know about ‘24?




Start to get a blurry vision of next year

  • List Open Loops
    What open loops and unfinished goals are you sitting with from this year? Will you carry them over? Edit? Delete?

  • Turn Your Analysis Into Ideas
    What’d you learn about yourself in making your list of wins and challenges? What are a few things to start implementing into next year? Habits? Systems? Goals? Areas of focus? Write at least 5.

  • What do you expect this year?
    List out some of the bigger things you think will happen this year. Not predictions as much as naming the things in your way. For example changing jobs or schools, moving, doing some work in the house, a big purchase, travel, celebration…

Have some fun with the following writing exercises

  • 1 Stretch
    You’d like to say you did in 2025

  • 2 Ambitions
    You’d like to learn in 2025

  • 3 Things
    A. To do more of in 2025
    B. To do less of in 2025
    C. To stop altogether

  • 3 Questions
    That will guide your 2025 in exploring a layered answer.

  • 3 Word Thesis
    A 3 word phrase to influence how you will show up and make decisions for 2025.

  • 4 Tries to Choose Your Focus
    What is one word that could finish the sentence “2025 will be the year of ?

  • 5 Ways You Can Thrive Without Goals
    Examples: verbally acknowledge others’ kindness and generosity, remember, right now, you have everything you need grow a garden and share the harvest with others dance and stretch every day (a few times a day), hold and hug your loved ones very close, learn something you’re afraid to learn, sleep in and wake up really slowly, always do what you say you’ll do, make gifts and food for others, always say how you’re feeling, go to places you’re invited to, send a handwritten note, sing, whisper, and giggle, walk barefoot in nature, ask for what you need, don’t make excuse, take responsibility , take a long bath call your mom, ask for help, drink water, show up, breathe, cook, nap, try, be.




Summarize Your 2025 Vision Here