Hi, Caveday Friend!

(And new affiliate!)

We’VE WRITTEN 3 options TO MAKe sharinG EASIER

(You can always write your own. Just don’t forget to put in your link at the end!)


My Coworking Community

I'm part of this coworking community called Caveday. You'd love it. I get so much more work done in The Cave without feeling burned out. It’s magic, I swear.

Check it out:
[Your Referral Link]


I’ve been getting so much work done by joining “Caves” every day. They’re group focus sessions led on Zoom. Not only am I more productive, I just feel more focused and less stressed.

You should try it:
[Your referral link]

What Is Caveday?

In case you haven’t heard me brag about Caveday, I’ve never had so much fun getting this much work done. We do focus sprints and take breaks together. It’s been game-changing.

Join me in the Cave:
[Your referral link]


Image Assets


Thanks for spreading the word!

Fine Print

There are a few rules about our affiliate program you should know about. No “gotchas” here, just some terms to keep everyone happy.

  • Self-referrals, abuse or gaming will result in having your account banned.

  • No search engine ads, Facebook ads or other ads that would compete with our own marketing and cause potential confusion for customers.

  • No pretending to be acting on behalf of us (ie. as an employee).

  • We reserve the right to change the Terms of Service for our affiliate program at any time.

  • We reserve the right to terminate your affiliate account for violation of any of the rules at our sole discretion. Commissions generated by mechanisms that are in violation of our Terms of Service will not be paid or owed.