FREE SessionS

Open Cave


An Introduction to Caveday and Focused Work

Heard about Caveday but not sure how it works?
Bring some work and experience working “in The Cave” for yourself.
3 Deep Work Sprints & 2 Energizing Breaks

TWo sessions to chose from:

Thursday, September 1
7-10am ET (GMT -4)

Thursday, September 1
12-3pm ET (GMT -4)



  • A co-founder will share a quick overview of our method and lead you through 3 focus sprints and two breaks. For more info, view:

  • Cave Guide Degna Stone will lead the 7-10am ET session.

    Caveday Co-Founder Molly Sonsteng will lead the 12-3pm ET session.

  • Unfortunately no. To help with accountability and protect the focus in The Cave, we “close the doors” 10 minutes after start time.

  • Free!

  • 3 Deep Work Sprints, Two Energizing breaks.

    To learn more about what to expect, watch the video here.

  • Unfortunately not. If you can’t make it, let us know and we’ll try and schedule more.