3 Takeaways from Victoria Stoyanova

In this month’s edition of our Deep Dive series, we spoke with Victoria Stoyanova, community builder and founder of the Institute of Belonging.

We had an engaging conversation around what it means to belong and why being a part of a variety of communities is valuable for one’s wellbeing.

Here are three quick things that stood out from our conversation.

1) The recipe for a successful community

Victoria has built and been a part of more communities than the average person. We were curious what ingredients she believes are necessary in order to consider a community successful. These are five she mentioned and we agree!

  • Strong mission that acts as the container

    Obviously a no-brainer, but it’s arguably the most important ingredient. Without a shared belief, mission, or goal, there’s nothing for a group to gather around.

  • Freedom within boundaries

    Once the container has been established with the creation of the mission, community members enjoy a sense of freedom to play within those bounds. Victoria shared that too often she sees community leaders making the mistake of creating too many rules or guidelines that can stifle how members show up.

  • Accountability

    The power of a group is undeniable. Think about various community types: shared interests, neighborhood, fitness, religious, even virtual. When one or more people show up, you’re much more likely to engage. Group fitness classes are a great example. When everyone in the group is doing the work, you feel that built in accountability to do the same.

  • Shared experience

    A shared experience cultivates connection, empathy, and a sense of belonging, which, in turn, strengthens relationships and creates lasting memories. Win win. :)

  • Alive / human / fun

    Not all communities need to be fun, in our opinion. But they do need to have an aliveness which will attract the right members.

2) Long term sense of belonging

Victoria has noticed that this is often overlooked when designing a community. Considering long-term belonging when designing a community is crucial because it ensures the creation of inclusive and sustainable spaces that promote social cohesion, personal investment, and a sense of purpose, leading to happier, more resilient, and thriving communities.

3) The role of the member and community builder

All parties have responsibilities in order for a community to thrive. All members must bring a level of vulnerability and a willingness to be open & supportive. Meanwhile, the community builder’s job is to offer a meaningful invitation to a safe and inclusive space. Both roles are necessary and equally important.

Learn more about Victoria and her work here:

